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Corporate accountability

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We envision a world where anyone can be held accountable.  

Whether it’s a small business or a multinational corporation, one of our key pillars of work is accountable businesses. Businesses are one of the most powerful actors in global geopolitics and the day to day lives of humans. We campaign to ensure that corporations prioritize human rights in their supply chains, driving greater international regulation for those that don’t.

We conduct in-depth research, field investigations, and interviews with workers to bring  wage theft and exploitation to light. Our investigators the true human costs of unregulated or ill-regulated corporate profit. We work with global unions so that workers feel empowered to speak out against abusive conditions and seek justice.

We advocate for companies to perform regular audits of their supply chains, ensuring that all levels—from suppliers to subcontractors—adhere to ethical labor standards. We also call for mandatory due diligence laws that require companies to identify, prevent, and address human rights risks in their supply chains. We push for transparency in wages, working hours, and safety conditions and uphold the rights of workers to be able to organize themselves freely without fear or retaliation and to seek legal recourse or health assistance when needed. We work to ensure that workers who suffer abuses at the hands of corporations can access justice, whether through compensation, legal redress, or improved labor conditions.

We campaign with human rights organizations and unions to ensure that all workers are paid fair wages, work in safe conditions, and have access to social protections, such as healthcare and pensions.  By exposing labor abuses, we have prompted both governments and corporations to adopt new policies aimed at improving labor rights protections. In response to our research and joint work with organisations like the Business and Human Rights Centre, some corporations have taken steps to improve transparency and labor conditions in their supply chains.

We envision a future where workers’ dignity and rights are protected no matter where they live or where they come from. We will continue to challenge businesses under they are accountable for their impact on human and labour rights.