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Corporate Strategy

Our Vision

A world in which human rights can be enjoyed by everyone in society by virtue of:

  • a human rights movement that is diverse and locally relevant with rightsholders at its centre
  • robust national and global regulations that uphold human rights, holds accountable those responsible for human rights abuses, and provides remedy to victims.

Our Goals

By 2027, we aim to have achieved or made significant progress towards two goals in pursuit of our vision:

1. State authorities, businesses, and other non-state actors engaged by Equidem:

  • know their human rights responsibilities and understand the ways in which marginalised groups are excluded from human rights protections
  • address current and emerging gaps in the protection of marginalised and minority groups
  • ensure laws and regulations that exist to protect human rights are effectively implemented and enforced
  • are held accountable for human rights abuses that they perpetrate or fail to prevent, and provide appropriate remedies to affected rightsholders.

2. Equidem is connecting and capacitating civil society as enablers of our vision and goals, and transforming the human rights movement, with the effect that:

  • the international human rights movement is inclusive of marginalised and minority groups in its non-political advocacy for all people to exercise all their human rights without distinction
  • national and international civil society organisations are connecting and collaborating in genuine coalitions, complementing each other’s work in their collective non-political advocacy for human rights locally and globally
  • the local human rights community is inspired and informed by Equidem’s success in finding creative ways to progress human rights in countries where there is limited space for civil society or the prospect of positive human rights change.

Our Areas of Focus

Strategic decision-making criteria to determine where to focus and what opportunities to take up:

  • Practical impact: possibility of action or solutions that will make positive change to people’s lives
  • Uncover: an unknown or under-reported issue and/or with hidden impact on a particular community
  • Distinct: adding value and not duplicating work or competing with others
  • Locally and globally relevant: situating marginalised communities and minority groups in the wider, global context of anti-racism, anti-discrimination and gender equality; connecting local manifestation of problems across countries/regions to leverage change at the international level
  • Aligned: with Equidem’s goals, objectives, values, expertise.

Our Values

Equidem and its people are, at all times:


  • of the communities whose rights we promote and defend; of the regions in which we work
  • connected to, and connecting, local and global actors and spaces; to rightsholders and duty-bearers
  • a diverse and interdisciplinary team bringing multiple perspectives from different professional fields and socioeconomic backgrounds; we embrace and encourage the differences that make us unique individuals and a strong team.


  • striving to be cutting-edge, creative, and agenda setting
  • responsive to the ever-changing dynamics within which human rights are impacted
  • original in our approach and added value, complementing not duplicating the work of others.


  • as part of a wider human rights and social movement, we are only as strong as we are united
  • working together with others not only to further Equidem’s own aims but those of others promoting human rights.


  • living the values we are promoting in the ways we work and operate, how we treat our staff and stakeholders, and how we express our professionalism
  • accountable to and honest with the communities we serve, our partners, funders, staff and board members
  • people’s physical and psychological wellbeing comes above all else
  • respecting the environment: limiting negative impacts and striving for sustainability in our work and activities.


  • Equidem is Latin for rigorous. Being thorough, precise, and unrelenting is key to how we operate and the work we do.